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2017 Reflections & Hope For What's To Come In Senior Care

December 20, 2017 | Mark Woodka

 Senior CareIt’s hard to believe we’ll be closing the door on 2017 in just a matter of days. Around this time, I always try to look back over the previous months. When I consider 2017 in retrospect, it has been a challenging year.

Proposed changes to the Affordable Care Act kept us guessing and nervous for the first half of the year. Occupancy hit its lowest point in quite some time in the third quarter of the year. And, now we are facing tax reforms that could result in harmful impacts to the senior care industry.

However, as an industry that is no stranger to overcoming challenges, we rallied through it all. Every day, no matter the trials at hand, caregivers still showed up and set out to provide the high quality care that our residents need and deserve.

Unfortunately, there will always be uncertainty. The political landscape is often shifting, and there will always be hurdles to overcome. What’s most important is the ways in which we respond to those challenges. Our industry is made up of people who respond to challenges by rising to the occasion with compassion and resilience. As we head into the coming year, uncertain of what lies ahead but rallied around the cause of caring for those who need it most, I feel hopeful because of the people that make this industry so great.   

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or something else, I wish you peace and joy, and hope you get the chance to celebrate with loved ones this holiday season.

All the best,
Mark Woodka

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About Mark Woodka

Mark Woodka is CEO of OnShift and has over 25 years of experience in enterprise software sales and marketing, having worked for startup organizations as well as Fortune 500 companies. He often leverages his extensive background in technology-enabled process improvements speaking at industry conferences as well as authoring articles on long-term care trends and issues.

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