Looking for the latest workforce insights & strategies from top providers & industry experts? You’ve come to the right place. Our award-winning blog features fresh best practices around recruiting, hiring, managing and engaging senior care employees, so grab a fresh cup of joe, pull up a chair and jump right in.
March 6, 2013 | Mark Woodka
Working long hours, coordinating availability of many employees and working within budgets, the role of the people responsible for scheduling in senior care is far from simple. I should know, since...
January 8, 2013 | Mark Woodka
Since October the 1st hit, I’ve been bombarded with stories, briefs, presentations, newsflashes, and water cooler discussions about impact of unnecessary rehospitalization across the long-term care...
August 27, 2012 | Mark Woodka
I have had numerous meetings with senior living executives where the topic of acuity came up. They were analyzing labor reports, trying to figure out why there were so many spikes in the labor budget...
August 27, 2012 | Mark Woodka
Everywhere I turn these days it seems that the topic of reducing hospital readmissions is on everyone's mind. Put aside for a second that this provision is being driven by the Affordable Care Act,...
July 9, 2012 | Mark Woodka
We’re kicking off this inaugural issue of our customer newsletter, Staffing Strategies, by exploring one of the most critical and foundational elements of OnShift – application integration. As an...
February 19, 2012 | Mark Woodka
2011 was a big year for many reasons: William and Kate tied the knot, Justin Bieber got his hair cut, and OnShift launched its inaugural Scheduler of the Year Awards. We’re most excited about #3 –...
January 5, 2012 | Mark Woodka
I’ve heard a lot of discussion about the lines blurring between skilled nursing and assisted living. Some assisted living communities are caring for residents who would have been in skilled nursing...
November 6, 2011 | Mark Woodka
I just about fell out of my chair when I read the headline about a nurse who made $270,000 in one year thanks to some, no make that A LOT, of overtime. Seriously? Well, yeah, seriously. That’s the...
June 30, 2011 | Mark Woodka
Nursing homes in Ohio are facing a bleak reality. The two-year budget that Governor Kasich just signed reduces Medicaid rates to nursing homes by nearly 6%.
While total Medicaid spending in Ohio...