Brewer explained the reasoning behind this generous initiative: "Our product is our people,” he said. “It’s a very tight labor market," adding that he was able to connect with front-line staff and collect valuable feedback about working at the organization as he was filling their tanks. I love seeing executives interacting with caregivers, and what better way to do it than while you're putting a few extra bucks back into their pockets.
Commonwealth is doing it right. Rewarding good work encourages even more good work. Moral of this story? Keep thanking your employees. They are the face of your organization and your greatest asset.
With that, I'm thrilled to introduce Employee Rewards For Every Budget. Your go-to guide for thanking staff for their hard work. Inside you'll find 38 ideas for employee rewards big and small, and even free, for showing your employees you appreciate all that they do. We hope you are able to incorporate a few of these ideas -- they are sure to pay!