They had decided enough was enough and took measures to take back control. They enlisted the help of OnShift to support their strategic initiatives of increasing employee retention, providing quality client service and reducing labor costs by controlling agency and overtime.
With OnShift’s recognition and rewards platform, pulse surveys and real-time labor reports and executive dashboards, they were soon able to…
“Our employees are feeling more rewarded and more heard because the feedback is going further than just their manager. We can all see their comments in OnShift, which keeps everyone accountable."
- Jessica Hunter, Performance & Partnership Strategist, Vista Springs
It truly is great to hear stories like that of Vista Springs. They recognized that their current labor management strategy wasn’t cutting it and took matters into their own hands. At a time when the senior care industry is up against severe staffing and business challenges, it’s operators like these that will stand the test of time.
I encourage you to read the full case study to see what else their organization has been able to accomplish with our employee-centric software.