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National Skilled Nursing Care Week: Celebrating Life's Stories

May 14, 2018 | Mark Woodka

Happy National Skilled Nursing WeekAnother National Skilled Nursing Care Week is upon us. This year’s theme is “celebrating life’s stories.” And while I am sure people will interpret what that means differently, to me it means acknowledging that each person you encounter in a skilled nursing community is unique – each with their own experiences and way of looking at the world. And that uniqueness should be appreciated, respected and of course…celebrated.

Caregivers have chosen to make caring for the aging population part of their unique life story. And for that, I thank them.

To celebrate, AHCA/NCAL is encouraging centers to get to know the stories of those around them – residents, family members and coworkers alike. I think that is a wonderful initiative that will serve to bring all levels of a community together.

Enjoy this special message from OnShift. We know your line of work isn’t always easy, but you do it with love and the best interest of those you care for at heart.


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About Mark Woodka

Mark Woodka is CEO of OnShift and has over 25 years of experience in enterprise software sales and marketing, having worked for startup organizations as well as Fortune 500 companies. He often leverages his extensive background in technology-enabled process improvements speaking at industry conferences as well as authoring articles on long-term care trends and issues.

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