LTC & Senior Living Best Practices & Insights Blog | OnShift

Proof That Employee Engagement Works In Senior Care

Written by Mike Pumphrey | Mar 9, 2017 7:36:15 PM

You may have noticed—we’ve gone a little employee engagement crazy over here. There’s a good reason for it. Senior care faces unprecedented workforce challenges: a caregiver shortage, more competition for workers, a need to improve care quality, and high turnover. In fact, there were 21,908 open jobs in nursing care facilities (SNFs, assisted living and continuing care retirement communities) as of January 2017.

The needs and expectations of employees are ever changing, too. Competition for frontline workers means that employees are in the driver’s seat. “An increase in open positions indicates that more employees are thinking, ‘the grass may be greener’ and seeking more attractive opportunities or higher pay,” says Peter Corless, executive vice president at OnShift. “Providers need to understand this and look at strategies on how they can build an employee centric culture to retain staff.”

The benefits of employee engagement are far-reaching. Engaging employees has been proven to boost performance, quality and profitability. Still not convinced? Take a look at the infographic below and see how engagement can lead to long-term success for your organization.
