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Thankful For So Much & Hopeful For What’s Ahead

November 23, 2021 | Mark Woodka

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Last year, this simple question felt so complicated. Much like so many other things in our daily lives, Thanksgiving would be anything but normal. Like many of you, I chose to forgo the big traditional meal with extended family. Instead, we all planned to eat dinner “together” via Zoom. And while we were grateful for the chance to connect, even virtually, it was just…different.

This year, as another Thanksgiving approaches, I can’t help but reflect on how far we have come during the pandemic. And while this challenge is anything but over, I find there is so much to be both thankful and hopeful for.

What am I thankful for this year? The list is extensive but having the opportunity to work alongside senior care providers is right at the top.

The strength and endurance you and your staff have shown during this time is beyond amazing. And I just want to take a moment to thank you for all you have done to provide quality care, service, and most of all, comfort to your residents.

Your hard work and dedication have never gone unnoticed nor unappreciated. And as Susan Yeranyan, RN, BS, CDP, Director of Clinical Services at Ararat Nursing Facility recently stated in the AHCA documentary, “Closed Doors, Open Hearts: Nursing Homes and COVID-19”, you did it with smiles on your faces, “with strength, with hope that this will be over one day.”

This powerful documentary brought up many emotions for me and is a great reminder of just how far we have come and how extraordinary this industry is. I encourage you to watch this brief film in its entirety here.

I have so much hope for this industry and the many great things to come for everyone involved. But most of all, I’m thankful for the chance to play even a small role in helping to support senior care employees not only during this time, but long into the future.

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone here at OnShift.

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About Mark Woodka

Mark Woodka is CEO of OnShift and has over 25 years of experience in enterprise software sales and marketing, having worked for startup organizations as well as Fortune 500 companies. He often leverages his extensive background in technology-enabled process improvements speaking at industry conferences as well as authoring articles on long-term care trends and issues.

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