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Why Now Is The Time For I/DD Providers To Rethink Their Timeclocks

June 30, 2021 | Cari Rosenberger

Why Now Is The Time For IDD Providers To Rethink Their TimeclocksChange has been inevitable over the last year. And as we enter into the next chapter, many I/DD providers are taking a closer look at the technologies they currently have in place. According to a survey conducted by OnShift, nearly 70% of healthcare providers are placing a high priority on investments in modern workforce technology.

As you begin to examine the processes and software you have in place to not only manage your staff, but provide a better workplace experience for all, it’s important you don’t forget one very important and often costly piece of the workforce management puzzle—your timekeeping system.

Eliminating Excess Hardware Costs

With labor costs on the rise and margins growing increasingly thin, providers are getting creative with where they can cut excess and unnecessary costs. On average, traditional timeclocks can cost upwards of $3,000 to own or come with costly monthly rental fees. This doesn’t include any additional maintenance fees or costs associated with replacing a clock that may not be covered under your provider agreement. 

Beyond the hard dollars and cents, traditional timeclocks often require a lot of time internally. Many providers rely on their IT teams to configure and set up any new clocks, as well as for general troubleshooting and ongoing hardware updates. When clocks go down, home managers and payroll have to manually collect and enter punches—a process that is also frustrating for your employees.

Modern timekeeping systems, like OnShift Time, allow you to ditch bulky hardware. Our next-generation time & attendance software allows providers to utilize mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones. This BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) can lead to significant cost savings for providers.

Modernizing The Employee Punch Experience

Traditional timeclocks, no matter how new or innovative they claim to be, often come with confusing and bulky interfaces. And having to go through a labyrinth of menus and screens to complete even the most basic tasks of clocking in or reviewing your timecard can be especially frustrating for your team members.

Mobile time & attendance software brings employees a more modern experience on devices they are already familiar with—tablets or even their own personal device. OnShift Time takes this one step further by utilizing state-of-the-art facial recognition biometrics that make punching as simple as taking a selfie. Easy to navigate menus provide easy access to self-service tools, including the ability to view punch history, request PTO and even approve their timecard.

This simple change can go a long way in improving staff satisfaction and position your organization as a modern employer.

Ensuring Accuracy While Reducing Restrictions

Biometric technology has come a long way. But many traditional timeclocks still rely on outdated biometrics like iris and fingerprint scanners. Not only are these methods often faulty for employees, but because they aren’t visually auditable by the human eye, restrict employees from punching in or out. As a result, payroll managers are left with more missed punches and managers are taken away from tasks to troubleshoot the clock.

OnShift Time utilizes state-of-the-art facial recognition biometrics that use the spatial coordinates of the face to recognize and continuously learn who is punching over time. And because it is visually auditable, it never restricts employees from punching and eliminates buddy punching.

Facial recognition biometrics also allow for maximum flexibility when it comes to what your employees use to punch in. With this type of biometrics in place, virtually any tablet or smartphone can be turned into a timeclock. This mobile approach to timekeeping means your timeclock goes wherever your employees are, which can be particularly beneficial to providers with staff working across multiple group homes or campuses.

Now more than ever, I/DD providers need to show what they are doing to create a modern employee experience. Doing so will not only help improve satisfaction among your current team members but make you more attractive to potential new hires. The timeclock is the first thing your staff sees when they come into work and the last thing they interact with before they leave. Make sure the experience is a good one!

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About Cari Rosenberger

Cari Rosenberger is a Senior Portfolio Marketing Manager at OnShift.

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